18 August 2024


Why, oh God, why?

They only want $160 for that... that... that...

I had wondered what the downside of winning the stabilizer brace case was.

Now we know.


  1. This would actually be hillarious mounted to one of those 16" barreled rough riders though not at that price.

  2. It almost reminds me of the clip on buttstocks for the Mauser C96 or the Luger from the WWI era. Except with a collapsing AR15 buttstock. Weird.

  3. Well, my C&R collection includes a few examples of pistols with the stock/holster thing... So, that looks odd to me, but... Of course I also have issues with the whole SBR/"brace" thing so I tend to avoid it if possible. Looks weird, but if it's your thing, enjoy...


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