30 August 2024

Not A Woodsman

The tempo of things finally slowed down so that Harvey and I could hit the range.

She knocked the rust off and I tried something new with the Colt Woodsman Challenger.

9 circles?  9 cartridges?

Seems like an exercise pre-made!

I went as fast as I could, but that wasn't really fast.  Happy it went as well as it did.  Definitely have to do more of this.


  1. Starting at any red dot of your choice, hit all red dots in a clockwise fashion.
    Then, beginning with nearest blue dot to the right or above the last red dot which is on the perimeter, hit all blue dots in a counter clockwise fashion. Center blue dot is last.

    This is timed, so select the beginning red dot with care.
    Accuracy and speed for grade.
    Values assigned by you.

  2. That's good shooting. At what distance?
    Better than me with a semi auto.

    After all these years, I've taken the plunge into 9mm semi auto pistol. Previously I was strictly wheel gun in .22, .44, and .45.

    I suck with the 9 compact. I remain hopeful. I like the H&K. The Beretta I will sell. It doesn't fit my hand as well, no matter which back straps and grip.

  3. Target was at 7 yards. I went left to right, top to bottom, like I was reading.

    It took me about half a second or so (no timer so that's guesstimates) per target.

    When I was REALLY in practice I could clear five bowling pins in 6-8 seconds. My record is 5 seconds on the pins with my .38 Super.

    I'm no Jerry Mickulek.


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