19 August 2024


Needs are the absolute enemy of freedom.

"What an odd thing to say," I hear you thinking.

Think about this, how many times have you heard a politician talking about fulfilling someone's needs or rejecting something you want because you don't need it?

Do I need an M1A1(HA)?  Not at present, no.  I want one (and the attendant machine guns) just for nostalgia's sake.

If we let them, politicians would pare down what we're allowed to have to just our bare needs.

And nothing more.

This is part and parcel of "you will own nothing and be happy."

No I won't.  I want more than I need.

Unlike a lot of politicians, and liberal advocates, I lived at or below my needs a couple of times.

Mere existence is not a worthy goal.  Nobody should be forced to subsist on just their bare needs.

Never mind the unintended consequences, because all of these politicians are carving out "safe" places for the favored first class citizens to have far more than the second class citizens and third class subjects living on the provided basic requirements.

The lower classes will raid the uppers with the obvious conflict resolutions this will entail.

1 comment:

  1. Funny thing that, needs (decided by others) and what you want on hand to make you happy. Seems to me that "pursuit of happiness" is enshrined in some old document or other that was used to form this nation.
    My pursuit is the ownership of tools, all kinds of tools, including ones I don't "need" at the moment, but when I do have a need, they will be on hand. This applies to tools for all things, home repair, automotive mechanics and yes, for the event of loss of rule of law. Mind I don't desire nor espouse the end of civil society, but then we get back to the business of tools on hand to become in hand. Always keep pursuing your happiness as the means allow, it provides security in many ways.


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