15 August 2024

Where Do They Come From

A phenomenon of being an adult is the periodic discovery of keys that go to nothing.

Sometimes you figure out what they used to unlock.

Occasionally you find you'd just forgotten where they go.

Most times, they just don't unlock anything you have.


  1. My personal theory is that the socks that disappear in the laundry enter a transdimensional time warp and reappear as unidentifiable keys. Unfortunately the unmanned probes sent to test this have never come back and when we asked for volunteers for a manned mission the answers were very rude.

  2. I still have a bunch of keys to the apartments at my old fourplex, and I sold that back in 2008.

  3. Heh! This is the truth of keys. We have a Tupperware container about half full and they come from a total of 5 or 6 places I/We have lived and/or my in-laws lived. Most are useless, but in there I KNOW there is something critical that I may need some day, like keys to locking desk drawers, filing cabinet or some yet un-found lock. So there they reside in peace until an emergency happens. If never, so be it.


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