19 August 2024

Full Circle

By just maintaining my position while politics shifts around me I've managed to piss off the Trump side of things by AGREEING with someone who's pro Trump.


I feel like I really accomplished something there.

Or not.

Trumpers have REALLY thin skins and sarcasm is completely lost on them.


  1. ??? Could you explain? You've lost me here.

    1. A Trumper-Humper was complaining about how liberals were saying everything Trump proposed was Fascism and Totalitarian and I replied that "And demanding proof of such is, itself, evidence of Fascism and Totalitarianism."

      They flipped out on me.

    2. The Trump guy did have a point. Ever since the never-to-be-sufficiently-accursed "Red Decade" (roughly 1930-1945), the left has screamed that anything at all the other side wants is "Fascism! FASCISM!" What amuses me about this is that most of those clowns couldn't pass a basic exam in what "fascists" believed to save their worthless lives, and the fact that if they were put up in a debate against a Fascist intellectual (yes, they did exist) they'd get their worthless heads handed to them.

    3. Did you even bother to read the part where I agreed with him?

    4. Wow, a self-demonstrating post.


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