01 August 2024

More Impressive

Israel managed to plant an explosive in the building to take out Mr Haniyeh.

That's a lot more impressive than an airstrike, actually.

That means boots on the ground in the center of what should be the safest place in Iran for a Hamas leader.

And it's NOT safe for him.



  1. And... it was planted months before.

    Most Impressive.

  2. By all accounts, Israel has had boots on the ground in Tehran (and all of their neighbors' and most other Arab capitols) for decades, which is why several dozen Iranian nuclear scientists keep randomly going all explodey too.

  3. That is not the most impressive part. That they knew 2 months ahead that the target would be going and which apartment would be used is gold plated intel work.

  4. The story I heard is that the bomb was in this safe house for a long time and triggered remotely. Which meant they had to know he was actually there for it to be effective.

    Double dayum!

    Wanna do a poll on how many safe houses are being taken apart now?

  5. I find myself wondering if the Mossad put a bomb in every safehouse, or just the right one. I'm not sure which is more likely. Or funnier.


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