31 August 2024

Another One Down

Looks like China has joined the ranks of nations that adopted a bullpup then replaced it with a conventional rifle.

The QBZ-95, a bullpup, is being replaced with the QBZ-191.

Kept the 5.8x42mm.

My observation is still standing:

When the time comes to replace your bullpup you replace it with a conventional gun.

Unless you adopted the Steyr AUG.  Then you replace it with a newer, upgraded, version of the AUG.


  1. You can sort of add Israel to the list, per Wikipedia some units have replaced the Tavor bullpup with the Arad rifle.

  2. I'd love to get my hands on an AUG and try it out for myself.

    1. Me too. My bullpup experience is limited. The Germans shared the G.11 with us when we were doing an exchange. This is also my only experience with a caseless gun. The Brits (Welsh really) let us shoot their L85A1's. The French let us handle, but not fire their FAMAS.

      FuzzyGeff used to have a Bushmaster M17 we never got around to shooting.

      I've handled an FS2000. It's got a plastic hammer! PLASTIC!

      And that's it.

      Bullpups are something I want to like. I mean, longer barrel in the same overall length, what's not to like.
      Except everything about them just doesn't work for me.


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