01 August 2024

Not Public Places Per Se

36% of Americans avoiding public spaces over mass shooting fears.

I don't avoid public spaces, I avoid gun-free zones.  Most of which happen to be public spaces.

I am at a loss to recall a mass shooting (a real one, not the stupid two people involved definition) which happened outside a gun-free zone.


  1. What the mainstreamed media refuses to point out is that the vast majority of "mass shootings" happen in the ghetto. Some homeboy gets "dissed" at a block party or other gathering, comes back with a gun, and avenges his (nonexistent) honor by blazing away at whoever upset him---but, being a lousy shot and holding his pistol sideways, ends up hitting a lot of people other than his intended target.

  2. One datum is the Bend Safeway shooting in August 2022. That was a spree killer who killed two people and then committed suicide. I have conceal carried in that store and there is no gun free zone signage.

  3. i do try to stay away from large crowds just because...but i carry everywhere just because...panzer guy


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