13 August 2024

He's Right You Know

"Communism is a crime against humanity."


In the comments here.


  1. Communism, as we know it, is the mental product of a fanboy of the bloodiest parts of the French Revolution (Marx thought Robespierre and St. Just had the right idea but were cut off too soon) who was seething, raging mad at a universe that refused to reward his (alleged) genius with wealth, and expected him to *oh horrors!* WORK. If you read his journalism and his works other than Capital and the Manifesto, you can't help but see the man's anger issues. And I think anger issues are one thing I'm well qualified to comment on.

  2. The fact that so much of the world has revolved around the writings of two evil men is a lot of why things continue to suck.

    The two worst: Marx and Mohammed.

    It we could rid the world of the scourges of Islam and Communism, we'd be way ahead.


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