08 August 2024

What To Do When The Service Manual Is Wrong

The part number for a terminated lead in both my service manual and the dealers computer gives the wrong terminal for the hole I need to populate.

Time to hit the junkyards...  Yay!


  1. Can you figure out what the connector is, like a Yazaki or whoever made the thing and maybe shop some pins from Digikey?

    1. I know exactly what terminal I need: https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/TE-Connectivity-AMP/5-928999-5?qs=ki3gknuNcfSZB0rmD%2Ffnyg%3D%3D

      Minimum order is 13,000 for about $1,200. Aptiv/Delphi discontinued theirs and with it went small orders.

    2. Digikey might sell me 10... Happily, I have two complete radio connector pigtails coming from Australia. Just $30.


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