19 August 2024

Not Sure It's The Right Word

The more that comes out about the failed assassination of former president Trump the more I think that it's not incompetence but complacency.

They often lead to the same results, but have different causes and require different routes to fix what's wrong.

If it was complacency, then a wake up call of almost failing in their mission is exactly what they needed to get things right.

If it was incompetence...


  1. You're cutting them an awful big break. The quantity and level of "mistakes" makes a conclusion that they weren't really mistakes at all but intentional start to not look like a complete tinfoil hat conspiracy theory.
    - swj

  2. And then some SS lady got into a secured area, with two of her relatives who were not vetted, and breastfed her child during her shift to guard Trump in Atlanta.

    Complacency, adherence to DEI hiring vs competency and capability.

    Trump really is one lucky sumbich!


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