09 August 2024

Cat Brakes

Does a Panther tank have disc brakes or drums?

Turns out, yes.

Also, no.

A disc brake runs between the pads on a caliper that pushes the pads together into the rotor.

A drum brake runs around the shoes that push outward against the wall of the drum.

The brakes on a Panther do neither.

The "disc" is a drum...  The pads are inside it and press outward against the faces, rather than the wall, of the drum.  It's kind of a combination of the two ideas.

The brake levers push the outer pad ring out and into contact with the spinning drum.  They're set on springs and they rotate a little bit when they come into contact with the drum, this forces ball bearings into channels between the pad rings to force the inner pad ring into contact with the drum's other side.

Huge mechanical advantage.

I cannot find a single picture that clearly shows it, or a clearer description than I just gave.

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