03 August 2024

Dear Right Wing Press

We don't need you to report on which dancing monkey supports the current Democrat.

It's not news.

What would be news is a dancing monkey who supports Trump.

Or a dancing monkey that owns more guns than I do.

You know, a non-typical dancing monkey where it's a surprise that they're different from the vast majority of them.


  1. Problem with that is as soon as a 'normal' dancing/singing/talking monkey expresses any view other than what the collective wishes, they get culled. Lose their managers, lose sponsors, tours shut down if they're touring, get blacklisted.

    So some normal gun-collecting person in the entertainment trades has to not say a darned thing that goes against the signal.

    Look at James Woods. He lost his manager, his career, his money manager, all because he had enough and expressed his opinion.

    Look at Kevin Sorbo. He's been sidelined because he's a moderate gun-loving conservative. Same with Dean Cain.

    There's a reason that there are two 'conservative' movie houses starting up. One with Mel Gibson, one without.

    And, yeah, Mel Gibson. Big name, big draw power, his career tanked not because he was somewhat anti-semitic, but because he called out all of the bullscat.

    For an opposite reaction, look at Gunner Baldwin. Killed people playing around on a set with a gun. And now has gotten away with it. And the collective stands beside him.

    Or Roman Polanski. For crimes that you and I would be buried under a prison, or shanked to death as soon as we entered prison, he's got most of Hollyweird supporting him. Because it wasn't 'rape-rape' according to one of the 'smartest women on television.'

    1. It isn't just dancing monkeys. Sarah Hoyt says that being other than left-of-center can seriously hurt your chances of publishing your fiction through traditional outlets, no matter how good it is. And we all remember the "Puppies" hoorah in SF fandom some years ago.

  2. I mean, if a major internet search engine can 'lose' links to Trump's attempted assassination, well, again, go against the collective and you get silenced and shunned and it's an instant career death.


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