19 August 2024

No You Really Don't Want Socialism

I have acquaintances who claim they're fine with Socialism and "poo poo" the likes of me when I mention the worst case scenarios.

Nazi Germany, Cambodia, China, Soviet Union, Venezuela...

They counter with best case scenarios which aren't actually Socialism but socialized nations who retain many features of laissez-faire capitalism which the local branches of socialism in the US wish to eliminate for "justice" or "equity".

We're not getting to Sweden or Denmark's system with what Bernie or Kamala propose.

Bernie, with the right opposition Congress, might get modern Germany; but Americans are not Germans it wouldn't function the same, if at all.

Americans are not British either.

Kamala is aiming at Venezuela, and that's not going to work.  It's not working in Venezuela.

If you're rich enough you can afford lots of social programs, but there's a tipping point where the programs consume more than the wealth generating side can compensate for.

We might already be past that point.


  1. I’m so sick of the socialist fans saying “that wasn’t real socialism” no matter what you show them. It has never worked before but this time it’ll be paradise. Riiight… so you’re the brightest, most perfect people in world history? I’m sure.

  2. Unfortunately, socialism (and its related insanities) appeal to things buried deep in our cerebral programming. Things that made sense when we were hunter-gatherers living in tribes make no sense in our modern culture.


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