01 August 2024

Some Photos Would Be Nice

I am trying to get the correct terminated lead for The Beast's radio so that I can run inputs from The Boy's portable DVD player.

The plug has two different size pins in the connector.

I have managed to find the large size three times.

Only three part numbers left for the small size.

The dealership pulled their diagram for ordering parts and it's clearly wrong.

Pins 1-16 use the large terminal.

Pins 17-40 use the small.

Their diagram says 1-8 use a "Type I", pins 11-15 "Type II" and 16-40 "Type III".  With different part numbers for each type.  13587506, 13587522 and 13587523 respectively.

I found out today that 13587524 is the larger terminal.  I have 5 of them if you need one.

One site shows a photo of 13587523 and it's got the large terminal.  I'll see in a few days, I guess.

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