18 August 2024

Lions Eating Ostriches

Can we talk about acronyms?

It's hit me several times that I don't know what one means, or I'm getting the wrong one several times.

When Black Lives Matter was gaining steam, I was trying to figure out what the Bureau of Land Management had to do with it.

It didn't help that the Federal BLM had just been in the news over some protest over land rights out West.

It's hitting me again with the local news reporting on arrests.

They use PCSO and HCSO quite often.  The five local counties are Hernando, Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas and Polk.

Which sheriff's office is which from the initials?

Something that bothers me is I've used acronyms without explanation too.  Especially with car shit.

BCM, PCM...  Body Control Module, Powertrain Control Module.

ABS... Anti-lock Brake System.

Lots of that.

There's some gun shit too, but I don't have a specific example in mind.

Oh, the title of today's post is from asking Pat Rogers to explain why the Bureau of Land Management was protesting the death of a black criminal.  His contemptuous reply got me snark back, "LEO could mean 'Lions Eating Ostriches' for all the explanation given in the posts."

He told me to choke myself.


1 comment:

  1. BLM rapidly morphed in to Buying Large Mansions when the leaders of the grift started cashing in. What did the families of the victims get? Nothing, of course. It was always about the grift because their poster children (Martin, Floyd, and Brown) are all scumbags we are all better off without.


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