04 August 2024

I Don't Have OCD YOU Have OCD!

Tore open the rear passenger door, again, to adjust where I had the speaker.

I'm a lot happier about how it's sitting.

The previous arrangement had the speaker sitting on one of the screws holding the mounting ring to the door.  I rearranged the ring so that everything sits flat now.

I'm going to do the driver's side tomorrow.


  1. You're very dedicated to remove GM door panels as often as you do. I dread pulling the door panel on the old Buick every time the window regulator throws a hissy fit

    1. The Aussies did it better than Detroit at least as the door panels compare between the WM Caprice and the B-body Caprice.

      They door panel on the Aussie car is beefed up where the replaceable push-pins go and that means the pin is sacrificed rather than the door panel. There's also a white plastic thing that goes where metal spring tabs used to be used. It's designed to fail without hurting either part it's attaching and you can replace it.


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