23 August 2024

Not A One

The thing that rankles me about the trans-female athletes isn't the trans part.

It's that they're all mid-range athletes as men and dominant as women.

Not one has discovered competitive sports after transition.

Which makes me think that they're not trans at all, but simple gaming the system to be the best at something where they just middlin' good before.

Which makes me theorize that if you created a third sex category for trans-wimmins alongside men's and women's in sports you'd see a dramatic drop in the number of men transitioning because they won't be dominant, they'll be on a level playing field with others of their ability.

That this is so contentious screams to me that many LGBTQ advocates are still in "any overlap on the Venn diagram is an ally" mode that, admittedly, worked well in the past; but is losing its efficacy as the ever fringer groups are exposed to the mainstream light.

I think they need to start asking themselves if they want opportunists like trans athletes to be their spokespeople.


  1. The only ones the LGBTQ crowd ever did throw under the bus were the NAMBLA types, and that was one of their few smart moves.

    1. The NAMBLA types are back under another name and are no longer under the bus. I'm watching friends struggle with how to get them back under there without tossing all the ground they've gained with them.

      An admission that the child molesters got back on the bus with them unnoticed is exactly the chink in the armor that homophobes are looking for to justify their bigotry.

    2. They aren't pedophiles anymore, they are "Minor-Attracted Persons" or MAPs....


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