27 August 2024

Out Of It

I tried watching a video describing all the changes in the new version of the D&D Player's handbook from the 5th edition.


So many of the things he was talking about were unfamiliar from the last version of AD&D I actually played.

I kind of know what some of the new races species are.

A lot of what he described, though, sounded a lot like things that came with GURPS as far back as 1988.

Once again, there's hardly a thing you can do in your favorite system you cannot do in GURPS!

But I am a GURPS specialist, I don't really do other games because I don't play ANY RPG's any more.

So I don't really read the rules of other games I won't play.

It might be time to admit that I'm no longer part of this hobby and stop doing anything with it at all.


  1. I feel about the same as you do, although after I got out of USAF and embarked on a long career as first a manual drafter, I largely dropped the role playing side of D&D. Partly this was due to my clearance for my employer, who felt that someone working on both sonar and radar projects for DoD and other agenciesshould not be playing games with uncleared people.
    I stuck with the miniature side of things, mainly painting them, first from Grenadier and Superior, then migrating to GW for a few decades. On UG contracts, I would focus on painting armies instead of drinking and committing adultery.
    I have a huge pile of shame for both fantasy and 40K, but I stopped painting a few years ago because of hand tremors, and stopped buying figures because the prices are so high. Now that GW has gone off the deep end into the woke garbage, I no longer reaslly follow GW, despite having a garage full of figures. I hate to estimate how much I've wasted on figures, but a quarter million would not surprise me one bit.
    Now my much more modest collecting interest is Lego, particularly their Technic line and Space sets. I do still have first editions of Chainmail, D&D and Greyhawk, along with The Strategic Review and early Dragon mags, but I haven't opened/looked at those in decades.

  2. I haven't played since 2010 except for a brief demonstration game of 5th editiion D+D GM'd by my nephew. I don't know of anybody who plays around here. First Magic the Gathering, then computer games, sucked a lot of life out of the hobby.


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