30 August 2024


I have never paid to have tint applied to the windows of any car I've owned.

However, two cars have come tinted...

Becky's old '96 Caprice 9C1:

And The Beast:

Both are probably illegally dark here in Florida, but we don't have much, if any enforcement of those laws.

The tint on Harvey's car caused a problem for Technomad when we sold it to him and he found that Iowa does enforce their tint laws.

I've read that a couple of states will enforce their tint laws on a car that's legally tinted in its home state too.  Most particularly New Jersey, but why would you ever go there?


  1. The JBGTs whine that their job is harder when dealing with tinted front windows. My rejoinder is that if they want their damn jobs to be easy, they can move to their spiritual homeland. I'm told North Korea is lovely this time of year.

  2. If you or yours have eye issues, you can actually get a doctor's note for heavier than legal tint.

  3. You just like your spotlights, admit it! Nice cars, read your blog as you worked your magic on your cars.

  4. People from Texas have often had trouble in Iowa with window tint that is legal here but illegal there. Here you can have pretty substantial tint on all windows except the windshield. Iowa allows very little anywhere as Technomad found. No Texas LEO would probably blink an eye at either of your two examples, the same way as Florida LEOs mostly don't care. Even with cars with Texas plates driven by people with Texas DLs. In some cases they have had to get the Texas AG's office involved to get things settled.

    I just googled it and "The Iowa State Patrol has said that if you can see any tint on the windows, it's too dark. The law also prohibits vehicles from having excessively dark or reflective sidewings." So basically almost no tint is allowed up there at all. Most cars straight off the new-car lots in Texas would be considered illegal by the totalitarian Iowa State Patrol. In Texas you can have 25% tint on the front door windows and there is no limit for rear door windows or the rear window at all, as long as you've got side mirrors. In practice I think you could go darker than 25% on the front door windows and still be unlikley to get any grief.
    Looking at FL, by my reading they are more restrictive than Texas, but far less so than Iowa.


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