04 August 2024


The driver's side rear door has had a small leak for a while.

It's hard to track down, but the speaker adventure got me inside the door when it was freshly wet.

It was the goop that holds the moisture barrier to the door.

This is one of the most common causes of leaks at the doors in my car.

So I got some 3M Strip-Caulk, and laid some fresh lines of goop.

While I was in there, I made the speaker mounting match what I did last night.

Bass sounds a bit better in the back now that there's no gaps between the mounting ring and the speaker from the screws that mounted the ring.  The revised mounting also allows me to reuse the factory mounting screws and two of the factory mounting points.  Only one new hole!

Update: The Beast sat in the rain outside the local brewery for several hours and showed nary a leak!  Huzzah!

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