01 October 2018

How About No

I think it's high fucking time the Republicans act like they've got a majority.

How many years has it been now?

I keep hearing "the Democrats want" "the Democrats demand".

How's about "elections have consequences"?

This confirmation bullshit has stalled Kavanaugh past the start of the new Supreme Court session.

Now they're trying to stall further and force the FBI outside it's jurisdiction.  To establish what precedent?

I know that I'm pissed.

I want the Republicans to stand up to the Democrats.  If they would do this, we'd have been done with this bullshit weeks ago.

1 comment:

  1. Too many of the "old guard" of the GOP came up during the years when the GOP was constantly having to apologize for the Great Depression, and then for Watergate. Getting rid of the GOP in favor of a new party with no baggage would strike me as a Good Idea. I wonder if the Reform Party is still around?


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