01 January 2023

Annual ATF

Poland is the theme this year!

Źyweic lager, Tantal, P63 P-64 and cigs!


  1. I've got an FB Radom P-64, but I've never heard of a P-63. I'll have to look that one up!

    1. You will fail to find a P-63 because that was a typo! Dress me up, buy me books, send me to school... still can't type reliably.

    2. My P-64 is a Circle 11 gun made in 1968. The original name of the factory was ZM Łucznik but the commies changed the name to "Factory 11" and/or ZM Waltera in 1946. In 1990 it returned to ZM Łucznik then becomes FB Łucznik - Radom in 2000.

      I don't think it's ever been, properly, JUST FB Radom.

      This pedantic moment brought to you by the letter T2K.


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