03 January 2023

People Of Earth! SHHHHHHHHH!

I was going to point out something in an article about Constitutional Carry that the gun grabbers get wrong.

But I am reminded, "When your enemy is making a mistake, don't interrupt."

So I will not point it out.

I'm not even going to link to it.

Trust me, you know what mistake they're making and wouldn't need me to point it out.

I'm laughing my butt off that it's a mistake they keep making and never learning from it.

Keep being you Media.

1 comment:

  1. we know those in the media hate guns and are the mouth piece for the left...https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/bloodless-streets-maines-crime-rate-fell-after-constitutional-carry-became-law/ panzer guy...


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