19 January 2023

Shut Up Bigot

Ms Jones,

To say that I cannot criticize an ugly sculpture because I am white is racist.

It's bigoted.

So, y'all can just fuck right off with your demand that I not call that ugly abomination an insult to Dr King and his legacy.

I am constantly amazed at the amount of ugly brought to bear when attempting sculpture associated with Dr King.

I worry that the color of the artist skin matters far more than the content of their character (or artistic talent) when selecting sculpture to honor Dr King.

I think we know the content of Ms Jones' character.

PS: Nothing about being an unfunny "comedian" or bad actress gives you any authority to tell me what to do.  What would Dr King say, Ms Jones, about you being a racist?


  1. Very true. And said sculpture is the very epitome of 'bad art.' Of course, Ms. Jones is the very epitome of 'unfunny comedian' and 'shrill fishwife.'

  2. that is one damn ugly stature. disembodied arms... wtf? -Jking


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