20 March 2023

I Know This One

After defunding the cops, they want to eliminate prisons.

There was once a time where many places didn't have professional law enforcement nor jails to incarcerate any criminals captured.

I believe the technical term for the law enforcement was "posse" and the traditional punishment was hanging.

OK, liberals, I'm game.

I don't think you're thinking this through at all.

I think I should remind you of something very important before we return to "frontier justice" and vendetta.

Modern law enforcement has been protecting YOU from the people you are doing a yeoman's job of pissing off.

It's a fear of cops, courts and prisons that's at play here; not a fear of you or your brown-shirtesque mobs.

Because without cops, courts and prisons you're going to find yourself on the wrong end of something dealing death.


  1. the left doesn't want anything to happen criminals... they think people should be able to do whatever they want... you know, they are all about feelings...panzer guy

  2. hey Angus;

    They forget that vendetta's and blood feuds used to be a way of life with some people, also we "Nornies" are patient, we will wait until we are sure that the social compact is gone before stringing up Criminals. The donks don't know what they are pushing and they will find out when John and Jane Q Public hoist the black flag of vengeance when they see the "authorities" punishing " the regular people" rather than the criminals and this becomes a thing rather than an aberration.

  3. How does that movie line go?
    “You don’t understand… I’m not locked in here with you…”
    Some folks seem to want to find out jut how nasty good folks can get when you grow out the rule book.


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