28 March 2023

I'll Say It

The school shooting in Nashville has something that others didn't.

A political goal.

Murder with a political goal has a name.


The crazy branch of transgenderism has moved into the terrorism camp.

It's also a hate crime, but since the person doing the hating is the "good kind of hate" there will be no mention of this aspect in the news.

Sadly, people on "my" side will not bother to filter at all and blame any person advocating for trans rights as a terrorist; just as they now blame all trans people for the barbaric mutilation of children.

In its way, it's like blaming all white people for the KKK, even the white people standing with the blacks.

1 comment:

  1. The lengths MSM is going through to describe the shooter without offending the LGBT community appears to be propaganda whitewash to me. Any person that defends the excuse of shooting small children as a means of protest should be called out. The LGBT community should be in front of the cameras denouncing this behavior out loud - silence is not a good defense. I'm sure a sizable part of their community is just as horrified as the rest of us are.



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