10 March 2023

Notsofast Giudo!

A three judge panel of the 11th Circuit ruled that banning gun sales to 18-20 year olds was Constitutional.

Normally, the plaintiffs have to appeal to an en banc, and if that don't work, the Supreme Court.


The other judges in the circuit can declare an en banc review by asking for a poll of the judges in that circuit.

This appears to be happening in NRA v Bondi.

1 comment:

  1. Georgia, Alabama, and Florida Circus did what??

    That looks ripe for either the poll that shows those three judges are out of step with the circuit, or a recipe
    for a yuuuuuge spanking by SCOTUS, starting with prima facie violations of both the 2nd, 14th, and 26th Amendments.
    I'm hoping it's the former, and the rest of the Circuit can simply smell blood in the water.
    Easier all around.

    But seeing the latter would be glorious.


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