15 January 2021

Facial Recognition

Watching the facial recognition software relentlessly find and track down the people who broke into the Capitol Building makes me realize that we could be arresting AntiFa rioters too.

But someone doesn't want to, so they don't.


  1. Well, duh. It's been that way since Okobungo's reign of terror. All the assets were in place.

    It's how the Left mobilized so quickly after all the 'Gun Massacre' events and how cops could find anyone on the right who got uppity but couldn't identify a known muslim terrorist.

    The fix is in.

  2. Had the same epiphany on the border in the early 2000s. if a few of us could (and we did) shut down miles of border with minimal assistance, and capture hundreds to thousands over a year, the government could have stopped every swinging Richard from Brownsville to Tijuana, and rolled up entire cartel networks inside the U.S. with their resources.

    So the only answer remaining was they don't want to.

    It's the train of thoughts that follow on to that one, logically, that get really uncomfortable.


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