12 January 2021

Going Blind

Chief among the things that make growing old not for sissies is the loss of vision.

While playing around with some left handed pistol draws, I discovered my left eye works unassisted way better than my right.

Happily I'm not the kind of person who has to fight eye dominance.

I also found I can easily get my left eye at the pistol's sights with a right-handed stance.

I really need a set of glasses with the bi-focal range in the upper and inboard section of the lens.

That will also make working on the car a lot easier.


  1. Got the same problem. Because I was young and dumb, and didn't wear sunglasses, apparently I burned out a number of optic nerves in me right eye. Not the left, the right. So, on top of glaucoma in the right eye I'm running around 50-60% of the nerves.

    Right eye is good enough to see a human or horse sized object. Left eye is now the dominant looker. Which sucks.


    If I could, I'd go back in time and kick my own ass.

  2. I suggest you look into getting a pair of single focal safety glasses for working on the car. You can have your eye doc write a prescription that had the focal length set at arms length.

    I did this for my shop glasses. With them I can read the dials of my lathe and milling machine while standing straight. I can see the chips clearly forming without having my nose in the work.

    You might consider the same for your shooting glasses. I haven't tried. I just have the equivalent of my driving glasses, one focal, but in safety glasses form. I also practice with my progressive lenses when I can shoot out doors.

  3. In a former life I ran a small garage and had a set of trifocals made with the top lens set to the tip of my finger they worked well just hard to get a lab to make them. Eventually my sight worsened and it was time for a new career


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