28 January 2021

Is It Just Me?

 Is it just me, or do the old S&W boxes remind you of something you'd get from Ollivander's in Diagon Alley?

Hmfph! Muggle weapons.


  1. Yup. That's an old-school box. Though I do admit that I like the plastic boxes very much as it cuts down on dinging and stuff during transport.

    Always wondered... Some Ami transfer student to Hogwarts, the bad people show up, he whips out his Rem 870 tacticool with bayonet and wand and starts blasting away... Or whips out his old-school Colt revolver and starts plugging some plug-uglies with magic bullets.

  2. Yeah, the corner metal cleats holding the sides together to me tell me care was put into the design. Plastic package with form fitted to contents screams 'manufactured' rather than 'crafted'.


  3. That short makes me think of the end of Wizards. Man that's a movie from a whole different world.

    1. I'm glad you changed your last name, you son of a bitch!

    2. Heh. There was an SPI fantasy war game that one of the spells (very expensive, but worth it) summoned the Xth SS Panzer Corps to fight for you.


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