26 January 2021

Winners And Losers

Smith and Wesson introduced the 2nd Gen version of the Model 59 as their entrant into the XM9 pistol competition.

The 459 was almost the same as the 59 except with the addition of a firing pin block.

The 459 didn't win, the Beretta 92 did.

The Smith is decidedly less horse-pistol in scale.

I never really warmed to the M9.  I was issued one and didn't do well with it.  Lost my "expert" pistol badge for "marksman" in the transition from .45 to 9mm in the bargain.  The "expert" tank-weapons badge salved my pain some.

The Beretta's safety is better placed than the 59, though.

There's a part of me that's watching foreign companies supply all of our small arms that thinks we should have put a thumb on the scale for Smith.

Of course, if you'd asked me in the Iowa State Memorial Union in 1986 while we were playing Twilight: 2000 I'd have told you that we should have adopted the Glock 17.

I am a willow, not an oak.

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