30 January 2021

Ich Keine Juden

The more I read the mass media attributing every instance of opposition to "white supremacy" I keep wondering:

If white supremacists are so damn powerful, why the heck aren't they in complete and uncontested control of everything?

It's the same question that comes up about Jews as the National Socialists take control of Germany.

In both cases, the "power" is simply an illusory attribution of a group of people looking for a scapegoat to blame to avoid scrutiny being applied to themselves for their own failures.

I've mentioned it before, ANYONE CAN BE THE JEW.

Today, THE JEW is some reddit users showing the hedge fund managers have no clothes on.

Tomorrow, it could be you.


  1. National Socialists, of which our country is mostly now, doth do believe in having an internal enemy to blame all evils upon.

    Funny, being white hasn't garnered me jack-doodle except skin cancer and poor eyesight due to me retinal nerves being fried due to not wearing sunglasses.

    Lesse, poor, living in an apartment, disabled, yep. I'm a huge threat to the world!

  2. "if gun owners were as violent as they say they are, there wouldn't be an issue"

    Almost none of the fears they have are realized. None of their projections ever seem to be based on reality.

    AOC screams that Ted Cruz wanted to kill her and she's not locked up in the loony bin?

  3. Hate groups like Southern Poverty Law Center claim that "white supremacists" are on the rise, but it is a massive lie. The reality is that the KKK and neo Nazi groups are at the lowest level they have been ever, and shrinking as the older generations die off. The reality is that when these groups have "rallies" they can't even get more than a few dozen people to show up. And mostly doddering old geezers who really aren't much of a threat to anyone. The way they claim what they do is by labeling any group that isn't left of Chairman Mao as a right wing extremist group. One of the groups they particularly like to demonize is led by a Hispanic guy. These left wing hate groups are motivated to create a boogeyman so that they can get elitist liberal idiots to keep giving them money. The rich liberals hate all the people who don't lick their @$$3$. That's primarily poor white people, but also minorities who have realized that the socialists are not really working for them. Many of the liberal haters also rail against Hispanics who grew up under oppressive regimes like Cuba, Venezuela, etc.


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