13 January 2021

Sabers And... Snippet 9

Lieutenant Fowler was dreading this moment.  It wasn't going to be popular with the men at all.

"Sergeant Wood!  Assemble the troop!"


With I-Troop assembled, Lt. Fowler addressed the men.

"Men, for the expedition through the gateway, we will be taking our sabers."

As expected, the troop responded with groans.

"I know, I know, they get in the way and just weigh the horse down, but we don't know what we're going to find on the other side and if we can expect anything like a resupply.  Your sword will not run out of ammunition and will work even under extreme magical assault."

Sergeant Jenkins raised his hand to ask a question.

"No Corporal, the fact that I have an enchanted saber was not part of the decision for us to bring our blades."

Sergeant Jenkins jerked his hand down.

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