17 January 2021

I Have The Power

If only I can use it wisely.

It occurred to me while I was staring at the History Eraser Button "buy it now" button for a Model 59 on Gunbroker.

If I scrape the bottom of the barrel.  If we forgo getting the new kitten spayed.  If we raid the tire fund.

I, just barely, have the money to stab that buy-it-now button.

And everything will be fine because Unca Joe and Granny Nancy is sending me another $1,400 real soon now.

But it won't.

This is the power I have.

I stab that button and there won't be any $1,400 Stimulus III.

And one of the cars will break.

One of the cats will get sick.

One of us will get sick.

Or something.

The only solution, to ensure that the stimulus checks go out as planned, is for you dear readers to stab that donation button early and often to enable me to press the History Erasure Button...

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