25 January 2021


I was told promised that if we raised the age to purchase a firearm to 21, banned bumpstocks and enacted red-flag laws that we'd never see high school students shooting at other students again.

I guess they were wrong, I wish someone had said something.


  1. To be fair, I think this was more of a POC thingy than a 'I hate people at school' thingy. Else the school connection would have been pushed more.


    And, sadly, dumb-asses screw up every thing for us normies.

    So what's your take on the latest proposed gun-control bills up in the Florida House and Senate?

    1. They're bullshit, as usual, and I've written my useless congress creatures about them.

      I'm not panicking until they escape committee. They normally don't, but the one year we count on that...


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