19 January 2021

First Transgender My Ass

Janet Reno paved this ground a long time ago.


  1. I was going to ask what the heck you were talking about, but I figured it out.

    Gah. So the pseudo-Diversity Corps are shouting "First, First, First" all over every potential appointment, but totally ignored OrangeManBad's breaking of the racial, gender and sexual preference barriers.

    Right. Check. Okay.

    Welkommen to the new National Socialist nation! Just like the old National Socialist nation but with 78 million undesirables (if you think only 75 million OMB voters voted for OMB, well, let me sing you a song of a stolen election.) And, actually, will be more than 78 million as you add in the kids and spouses and affiliated persons...

    Wonder what the identifying mark on our clothing is going to be? A US flag? Since the 'winning' side sure doesn't seem to use or respect it.

  2. Janet Reno is Chelsea Clinton's dad.


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