18 January 2021

How Many Military Coups By Colonels Are There?

Am I the only one who's noticed that's a lot of troops inside the perimeter with all three branches at the same time?

The FBI has, apparently, noticed and is trying to vet the troops.

Are they vetting the officers?

Not that it would do much good. The officer who would pull off a coup is also an officer who's going to withstand all scrutiny before they act.

I have several history books supporting my supposition.


  1. Hey Angus;

    They don't need to worry about the troops, a lot of the younger troops are donk supporters. especially the rear echelon types. My Brother who got out a couple of years ago from a cav unit told me that was the break down, the tip of the spear were Trump supporters, the people way back with the gear tended to be Biden Supporters and assorted Army Times surveys kinda bear that out. The Officers got vettet, Obungler purged a bunch of warfighters when he was in and promoted those that supported his agenda and those in kind did the same up the ranks.

    1. I've made the comment at a couple of places wondering:

      Do these troops have their weapons?

      If so, do the weapons still have their bolts?

      If so, do the troops have any ammunition?

      I've seen a couple of photos of these troops with a weapon in hand and no ammo pouches. I'm not seeing pics with magazines in the weapons either.

      It's looking more Kabuki by the minute.

  2. I'm reminded of the old New Yorker cartoon withe two African potentates debarking from a plane with the caption "I'm not worried about a coup, I took the precaution of abolishing the rank of colonel before I left"


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