17 January 2021


A long time ago I got a bare metal casting of a dummy Mk II Pineapple grenade.

I'd intended to paint it up so it'd look kewl as a background prop in the some of the gun pics I take.

That was a while ago...

My mañana is nearly in Inshallah territory.

Tonight it got a coat of olive green.  Tomorrow a yellow stripe on the top.

No filler or anything nefarious, and the half inch hole in the bottom denotes it was originally cast to be a training grenade.  I've left the big-obvious hole so that it can be easily told from a real one; especially since "inert" real ones have recently gone off on unsuspecting youths.

1 comment:

  1. We used to play War with those fake grenades. And, yes, we all wore pot-helmets. And, yes, the empty grenades still hurt if they hit us.

    Those and the cap grenades.

    Good times...


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