12 September 2021

How Many Taliban Again?

Not content to let Democrats carry gold, silver and bronze for worst living president; George W Bush conflated mass murder with breaking and entering.

So anyone who supported Trump on January 6th is a terrorist as bad as the Taliban or Al Qada?

Fine, asshole, we're terrorists now.

But let's do wee little bit of math, shall we?

How many Taliban did it take to send the US military home?

How many Trump "terrorists" are there?

The fucking Taliban didn't even have access to the families of the troops here.

You idiots are going to press the wrong button soon and someone is going to show what rank amateurs mass shooters have been compared to the folks you're actively pissing off.


  1. These libtards thing that Jan 6th was a serious and organized thing? Imagine if a couple hundred thousand organized and heavily armed people had been there instead of a couple thousand random bumblers.

    They've got no clue.

  2. i think the button has been pushed but it's taking a few minutes to engage the works. you take a man's ability to feed his family, his job, and try to take his health, bad things happen eventually. american spring anyone?

  3. "You idiots are going to press the wrong button soon and someone is going to show what rank amateurs mass shooters have been compared to the folks you're actively pissing off."

    Be still, my beating heart.

    But as BigCountry has noted, perhaps triggering that response is what's been intended all along.

    Worse, because TPTB think they've got an app for that, and can contain the experiment inside the lab.

    AS IF...

    "This business will get out of control! It'll get out of control, and we'll be lucky to live through it..." - Admiral Painter


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