18 September 2021

I Know The Next Step

Protestors in Melbourne break through police line.

Some of the cops were injured and the government's statements show they're totally clueless.

They are studiously ignoring what happens next time.

Instead of breaking through the shield-wall, the protestors break up the members of that wall; isolating them from each other, and beat the living shit out of them.

If worked up enough, beating the enforcers of a tyrannical edict to death.

The government is ignoring that the consent of the governed is being withdrawn.


  1. "We're gonna need some more FBI guys I guess..." - LAPD Deputy Chief Dwayne T. Robinson

    TPTB Down Under are also not looking at the Third and Fourth effects:

    3) Blue Flu
    4) No One Guarding The dotGOV Offices

    Step 5 gets really interesting after that, in a lamp post and rope sort of way.

  2. The government is ignoring that the consent of the governed is being withdrawn.

    Very well put.


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