13 September 2021

Not The Same

Tartar and calculus as they pertain to teeth don't mean the same things as not.

I've got an impressive build-up on otherwise healthy, but neglected, teeth.

Because I'm about a year into being serious about brushing, where I wasn't serious at all for years, the tartar control toothpaste is starting to soften the stuff and it's coming off in chunks here and there.

Tonight the floss caught briefly and there was a snapping noise.

In the sink was a tiny triangle of the stuff and a gap where it came from behind my bottom front teeth.

Anyone got a spare $1,500 to get into the dentist for a proper cleaning?


  1. You can buy some pretty nice dental picks from vendors at gun shows. You can do a surprisingly good job of dental cleaning at home. Just don't use the same picks for cleaning your teeth as you use for cleaning your guns...

    1. But gun cleaning products are so tasty!

    2. Hoppes #9!

      It's a bore cleaner and an after shave... and maybe a mouthwash too?

  2. Around here it's around $100.00 for cleaning. Most dental insurance covers cleaning.

    1. I am presently without dental insurance. Cleanings are stupid expensive in my area.

  3. I just went to a brand new (for me) dentist after not being able to go for 2 years. I thought my teeth were in rough shape because they looked terrible. Turns out, X-Rays were clear, and after a thorough cleaning that was not bad at all, I am good to go. Luckily, I have insurance, but the cash price for an inital visit like mine is only $380. For $1500, there better be a "Hapoy Ending" involved. Maybe multiple times.

  4. Before I go to sleep, I brush my teeth and then rinse with mouthwash. Then go to bed without drinking anything else, allowing the mouthwash to stay in as long as possible, fighting any build-ups.

    In my mind, it helps.



    1. I took horrid care of my teeth. Braces made me hate my teeth to a self-destructive and irrational level.

      It's a miracle that years of neglect resulted in just a single cavity... and a massive accumulation of calculus, plaque and tartar.

      I brushed a couple times a year, if that.

      As I say, I got religion about it when I got to hear about Harvey and Marv's bills to get fake teeth.

      Coupled with the studies that show that not taking care of your teeth can lead to heart and mental issues... I am born again!

      I am also uninsured until the December enrollment on Harvey's insurance. Then I will get the $100 cleaning instead of the $1,500 one.

    2. It's interesting how, if you have a tooth infection, it can settle in your knees. Also bad teeth will increase frequencies of sinus infections and ear infections. Teefusses are berry important.


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