15 September 2022

Defamation And Slander

Does being intentionally vague about whom you're defaming and slandering so as to give plausible deniability to the defamation or slander make it more or less actionable?

I've seen the tactic employed more than once.

I suspect it makes it less actionable because I was advised, by a lawyer I was paying for, to simply remove proper names and insert pseudonyms and all would be well.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, this can be a problem, particularly for alternative history stories. I put the following disclaimer in my first book, and I’ll most likely use it again:

    “This novel is a work of fiction.
    All characters are drawn from the author’s imagination,
    Especially the ones that appear to be based on real people from our time line.”

    D.A. Brock


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