07 September 2022

Won't Do That Again

Sucker puncher gets deaded video.

This is almost definitely an illegal shoot.

But I cannot make myself say it was an immoral one.

I'm of the opinion that if you assault someone, you've got anything they can deliver coming back at you and this legal nicety of, "you can't shoot back if they stop hitting you," is exactly a legal nicety.

It's not a moral obligation.

I think we should begin making the killing of animals who make assaults of this nature legal again.

We can also make it legal to shoot thieves fleeing your house in the back too.


  1. The shooter, if constantly threatened and beaten, could be under the impression that his life would forever be in danger.

    Sucks, but he's going away for a while, just because 'gun-free-zone' and 'failure to retreat' and other leftist moronic bullscat.

    People who have never been majorly physically bullied have no friggin clue how that makes life very scary. "When next are they going to jump me? When next will they break my stuff and steal my stuff? When next will they injure me?"

    I've been bullied like that. Wasn't fun. Not at all. Daily I thought about waxing the turds that were doing it to me. Usually it let up for a few weeks when I'd fight back. And, of course, being school, it was my fault that I defended myself. The football players were always innocent, dontcha know. Did not shed a tear when one of the worst offenders went through his windshield during a drunken accident.

    I knew that if I took it too far, I'd go away. It almost got bad enough, but thankfully didn't.

    The shooter was in fear for his life before, during and after the punk attacked him.

    To me, it's a good shoot and he should get a medal and a cash reward, maybe free trade school or college.

  2. Gee, Ossifer. I was stunned and dizzy. He looked like he was coming at me and I defended myself. Then get a lawyer. There will be a Mother/Grandmother screaming that he was a good boy, who "din du nuffin". A good lawyer.

  3. Previous. A good lawyer.

  4. Under some circumstances here in Texas it IS legal to shoot thieves in the back. If I recall correctly it has to be after dark and the property owner has to have the assumption that they don't have another way to retrieve the property being stolen.

  5. The law, as it stands, is often hostile to honest self-defense. If you failt to touch one base (out of many) while in a fear-frenzy, you can end up going away for a long time. I remember the Tony Martin case in England, and how indignant Americans (and a lot of British!) were.

  6. not a good shoot...he had every chance to walk away...he actually did walk away...then took out the gun and walked back in and shot dumbass...not "right" but hey, at what point do we keep letting these sick assholes get away with this crap...the courts don't do shit to them, especially in blue states/cities...panzer guy


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