24 September 2022


We spent Friday finalizing our preps for the killer storm that's guaranteed to hit us and kill us all. (Notaguarantee).

That amounted to almost nothing.

We've always overbought canned goods and rotate them out in a FIFO matter.

So when something like this threatens, we're already stocked up.

I might go out and get some bags of ice for the two big coolers if the track looks really threatening.

The guns are all zeroed, just in case we get the doom-storm and need to repel looters.

I have to decide if Brenda or Valentine is going to be the duty gun.

Val has 5x optics and a 20" barrel, but she's heavy.  Brenda is handier, but no magnification and less puissance.

Prolly nugatory.


  1. A gas grill allows cooking if the electricity is out for an extended period. Or a camper's stove.

    1. We are adherents to the teachings of Hank Hill.

    2. Taste the meat, not the heat, I tell ya what.

  2. damnit Bobby....panzer guy


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