05 September 2022

"Firearms" Are Next

Bump stocks got nuked, by Trump no less.

ATF is asking for funding to support an amnesty registration of pistol braces in association with an expected December rules change.

The "totally not a short barreled shotgun" "firearms" are bound to be next.

I really feel for the people who poured through the laws finding the loopholes in the NFA that all three of those things slip through.

The people who went to the effort of having ATF issue a letter telling them what they were producing was completely legal are the ones most hurt.  If I were a manufacturer I'd be really hot.

To see all that hard work erased with the stroke of non-legislative pen must really hurt.

I've been trying to say that this is where things were going for a while.

The real solution is to end agencies ability to write rules which have the effect of law.

Failing that, we need a jurisprudence that a violation of a rule or regulation which isn't a clear violation of the law is not a crime.

But the REAL REAL solution is to end the idiocy which is the NFA.

What this bullshit is doing is punishing people who were doing their best to obey the law.  Regulation that changes just to nail this kind of person is among the worst injustices.


  1. u, I thought there was a recent Supreme Court ruling to the effect of agencies were no longer allowed to just make up rules that had the force of laws... But then I am reminded of what President Jackson said about that court's rulings he disagreed with and just ignoring them as they had no ability to actually enforce any ruling they made..

    1. They did! I think this is a hail-Mary to tie up an entire class of guns in court and force our side to expend resources on it.

    2. This is exactly the kind of tyrannical things that evil agencies like BATFE, FBI, DOJ down to local prosecutors do. Twist the law to punish people by bankrupting them with legal fees while the government is spending tax dollars for its side.

    3. Ah, yes, only one side actually following the rules...

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Both NFA34 and GCA68 need to be repealed or ruled unconstitutional, which they are. If that would happen most of the rest of the awful legislation that rides on those two's coattails and all the regulatory garbage that rests on top of that would also go away.


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