20 September 2022


44 million AR's and similar guns.

Approximately 400 rifle of any kind murders.

This is statistical noise territory requiring no action from the government to solve.

I also recall several studies that concluded that all this gun control had a zero to negative effect on crime.

An action that cannot be told from inaction should not be enacted into law, but that's just me.


  1. But that's the problem, you are applying logic and reason to a problem they are applying only fear and emotions to... Coming from Chicago myself, the "Hey Jackass" site does a REALLY good job breaking down the specifics of gun crime in that "somewhat more restrictive" environment for firearms... But the actual numbers clearly do not matter to those calling for restrictions...

  2. paul is right...the left plays on everyone's fear and emotion...that's all they got...big fat zero when it comes to facts and substance...panzer guy..

  3. I have commented elsewhere that the more I see of people who let their emotions rule them, the left wing in particular, the more I think that Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy owed Spock a big fat apology.


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