15 September 2022

Too Often

My "Labor Day is Battery Day" thing is preventative maintenance.

Not a single battery tossed in the trash had stopped working or leaked.

Also tossed...  Not tossed, moved to The Boy's battery bin, is a pack of batteries which were at their expiration date.  We've had that pack for 10 years.

The reason we kept them is because they still work and the same brand now has a 20 year expiration date instead of 10.

But the spare batteries sat in the battery bin for 10 years while the item that uses those batteries was on the original set.

Batteries are simply better than they used to be.

Many of the devices that use batteries have gotten better about using the energy available.

A couple of working items got new batteries more from the expiration on the batt than the failure of said batt.

Living in the future is kinda neat.

1 comment:

  1. Still waiting for the batteries that Mr. Heinlein had in so many of his stories... Iff we get that level of battery, then things like electric vehicles and radically different power grids become a possibility, but not really until then...


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