05 September 2022


When looking at Texas being worked on, I am saddened that not one of the numerous "4-stacker" destroyers remains.

The Clemson and Wickes classes were everywhere for a while.

Then there were none.

I've also noticed that there don't appear to be plans to make museums of anything newer than the Korean war.

I think there's an effort to save USS Halyburton, but that's all I can think of.

We didn't even save the first US carrier with an angled deck as part of her design.

1 comment:

  1. I've read that due to problems with several ships recently, the Navy now requires a 5 year business plan - and since hey started that requirement, not a single ship/ organization has passed their bar and been handed over.

    There is only a single DE from WWII and the only existing Pearl harbor survivor is a tugboat... ship preservation in the US has been very spotty and irregular, unfortunately.
    (posted anonymous due to computer problems)


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