06 September 2022

Killed By Rust

I had meant to post about this when I still had the link, but... It just bubbled back into my brain.

The story was about three men who died going down into a chain locker of a ship.

One at a time they entered and collapsed, with the second and third man trying to rescue the previous victims.

Turns out what snuffed them was a lack of oxygen in the space and what ate up all the oxygen was the anchor chain rusting.

I am continually surprised at what the universe puts out there that can kill you.


  1. I remember that story, don't recall where I first found it, but I think this is the incident: https://officerofthewatch.com/2013/04/26/fatal-accident-during-inspection-of-chain-locker/

  2. WTF? When you open a sealed locker you always let it air out before you go in. Captain John D. Wells taught me that a long time ago. And, if the first guy in gets croaked, boys that's God leaving you a post-it note reading; "Think again little sailormen.".

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  5. Confined space entry is no joke. I got my NFPA cert for it years ago and was a shipyard competent person. No one gets out alive but the amazingly diverse ways you can buy it really stack the deck against making it to oatmeal years.


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